best sales module by capital ERP
Sales management is one of the most important departments for any company, so there must be a robust system of internal control systems that reduces errors, whether intentionally or unintentionally, such as controlling prices in an automated manner and not recording invoices without stock balance
Amr Farag - • Capital ERP for System Managment
Objective of the Module
CopySales management is one of the most important departments for any company, so there must be a system of strong internal control systems that reduces errors, whether intentionally or unintentionally, such as controlling prices in an automated manner, not recording invoices without stock balance, or recording a policy for bonus quantities and discounts in an automated manner, and all thisreduces human intervention and then various errors
working range
CopyControl the sales business cycle through control over
2- Verification of what is required to be sold is approved by the customer in the sales order
3- Verify that what has been disbursed from the stores conforms to the specifications of the sales order
4- Check the prices recorded in the sales invoice is identical to the sales order prices
Associated Documents
CopyDepends on key documents
1- Request for Quotation
2- Quotations
3- Sell Order
4- Sales invoice
5- Sales Price List
6- List of discounts and bonuses
Associated Powers
CopyThe authority matrix manages the documentary cycle. Who will register the price lists, who will register the request for quotation from the sales representatives, attach the request sent by the customer in it, and who will register the sales order from the sales department and register the invoice through the financial department?
The approval matrix is the approval of the sales manager on the sales order, the approval of the account manager on the sales invoice, and so on.
The alerts matrix is to send an alert at every step that is recorded on the sales cycle to the next employee to do the pending step on it
Modul Reports
CopyOf course the most important reports are the procurement reports and on top of them
1- Open Sell Order Reports
a. And this report that makes you know that buy orders are divided into
i. The orders are open and no bills were recorded and my stores were spent on them
ii. Or orders that have been made in-store exchange and the bill of sale has not been registered
iii. Or record a part of the quantities and there is still a remaining quantity
2- Analysis of sales invoices and cost of sale
3- Unpaid sales invoices
4- Debt age report for customers
5- A detailed customer balances report with the invoice, item, representative, and total
a. Report oncoming cash flows based on sales invoices and repayment period for each customer
Unique Features of Capital
Copy- One of the most important advantages is communicating with the customer in miles of the program automatically by sending the maturity of his balance automatically and sending the sales order for approval from the mail
- The feature of monitoring the sale from the beginning of the order until its implementation and collection in full, and with any delay in the date, alerts will appear on the program and the mail.
Frequently asked questions about the modulator
CopyIs it possible to make a price list for each customer or a group of customers?
Yes, a list can be made for a category of customers or for each customer
Can I follow up on the sell orders that are closed and that are still open?
Yes, and there are reports that clarify the pending orders in detail
There are reports of the age of the debt, and if the client has passed the debt that he owes, what will happen?
There is of course a report on the age of the debt for each customer and it is possible that from the beginning of the sale order, a message is shown explaining that the balance is not allowed and prevents keeping
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