Capital ERP ECPAPayroll module Payroll software, attendance and departure (ECPA):-

Payroll software, Manage your employees affairs with ease and to serve the success of your company with the Capital ERP Payroll Program.

Mohamed Abdelrahman - • Capital ERP for System Managment

Payroll Capital ERP

Developing your project and overcoming your competitors will only be achieved by cost control and saving what is wasted.

Salaries may be one of the most burdensome costs. They constitute at least 40% of the monthly cost of any project, but they are no longer difficult to manage with the entire personnel program and Payroll software from (Capital ERP).

You can now use the best payroll calculation program, which is considered the best complete personnel management program. It can provide the integration you seek to provide the human resources management system to facilitate all matters related to your employees and improve your relationship with them.

What is the importance of having Payroll software at your company?

  • The program enables you to draw the form of the employment and administrative structure of your company and set the job titles you want for each worker you have and all the settings and controls you want your employees to adhere to, such as vacation days, bonuses, discounts, incentives system and others.
  • Through the Payroll software, you can indirectly control your employees. The program allows you to monitor the employee’s movements since his attendance and the transactions he performs during working days.
  • You can divide your employees into groups, reorganise work levels, give opportunities to committed employees and make good use of employees.
  • The program enables you to secure all your financial transactions related to your employees to organise your information and select whether to backup them or not.
  • The payroll software is a complete hr program that enables you to successfully manage your personnel affairs and consider all the circumstances surrounding them.
  • The program helps you save the time and effort used to perform manual tasks related to the personnel affairs program.
  • Avoid errors and circumstances while setting up the manual wage and salary system.
  • It helps to perform some urgent and unusual tasks, such as knowing the number of currently available employees to complete an urgent task.

What is a payroll module?

Capital ERP from ECPA provides many accounting programs that help you manage your company, including a salary model that successfully manages personnel affairs. It has also succeeded in gaining the trust of hundreds of customers in a short period. Let’s know together what the salary module is and its advantages?

What is Payroll software?

A cloud-based electronic program that follows the ERP system.

It enables you to register the names and data of your employees, calculate their salaries and overtime, register attendance and absence of each employee, breaks, public holidays, covenants, discounts, advances, and everything related to the employees of the company.

What are the documents of Payroll software?

  • Employment contracts and employee lists.
  • Total staff report.
  • Total working hours report.
  • Attendance and departure book.
  • Detection of delay in attendance and the early departure.
  • Payroll.
  • Holiday reports.
  • A list of employees who receive rewards or discounts.
  • Detailed reports on the net wages that an employee receives during several periods .

What are the Validities related to the payroll module?

Validities to operate the program :-

It enables the assignment of the employees to the personnel affairs department to record employee data and prepare accounting equations which calculate wages, bonuses, incentives, etc. It is also responsible for approving payroll statements and linking the program to the electronic fingerprint system.

Data viewing Validities :-

They are the individuals who are allowed to access employee statements, amend the system of wages and bonuses, issue reports, etc. They are often the director of the personnel affairs department, the financial director and the C.E.O.

The Payroll Module in Capital ERP: A Valuable Asset for Your Business :-

  • The payroll software enables you to register all contracts for hiring each employee and manage your employee database easily. You can easily share data if you want to organise work and raise the level of efficiency.
  • Speed and accuracy. You can calculate each salary in a few seconds through the payroll software.
  • Very flexible as you can use the program according to your needs and the number of employees.
  • Various policies to calculate salaries accurately and by all types and sectors of companies.
  • The payroll software can be linked with electronic fingerprint devices for attendance and departure and unlimited devices for many places.
  • Work for the organisation so that each employee's shifts and working times can be recorded, and the number and names of employees can be specified in each shift.
  • The payroll software is the best-integrated accounting program that allows you to make an automatic insurance system so that each employee's share of social insurance and the company's total share and competence are calculated.
  • All holidays are automatically downloaded and accounted for in the payroll software.
  • The possibility of issuing and printing reports quickly while ensuring complete confidentiality and non-penetration.
  • The program takes into account all emergency tasks and missions.
  • The program prevents any manipulation of data by employees without permission.
  • Applications for leave and packages can be automatically received and sent to officials for approval.
  • The program integrates other websites and advertising means to publish job applications.
  • It also helps officials conduct job interviews, determine job requirements, selects the ideal person for the job, and follow up by preparing the new employee.
  • The payroll software is an easy program that does not require much experience to deal with it.

Why ERP is a Smart Business Decision?

  • Payroll software from Capital ERP offers you the accuracy and speed you need to manage your employees' tasks and monitor their movements.
  • You can make the chart of accounts and give a code to each employee. It also allows recording an unlimited number of employees’ data.
  • No error or repetition in recording data.
  • It issues reports on the performance of each employee, which helps you discover competencies and put each employee in their proper place.
  • It provides suggestions on the most profitable operations and guides the ideal employee to perform them.
  • Quick access to any employee's data, whether based on the job or keeping records for several consecutive years.
  • It can be modified to suit your employment and administrative structure.
  • Periodic learning programs can be implemented to help employees and improve the process of performing tasks.
  • The program allows you to switch between different methods of calculating wages and salaries.
  • Easy exchange of information between managers, the board of directors and between employees.
  • Suggestions of the best organisational calculation methods suitable for your business, allowing you to manage salaries successfully.
  • The study and analysis of the employment account tree help identify the needs and estimate the value and salary of each employee.
  • Permanent feedback that allows the employee on his mistakes and strengths made during the period.
  • Transparency and clarity to achieve justice among employees.
  • Communication between departments to serve the company's interests.
  • Continuous technical support from the ECPA team and providing legal, accounting, administrative and tax advice free of charge.
  • It is compatible with electronic fingerprint or manual recording devices.
  • Show results on the net salary paid to one or several employees for a specific period.
  • The program offers an easy and uncomplicated interface and many tools that enable you to perform many tasks simultaneously.
  • Continuous updates of the program, its tasks and automatic development.
  • The price of the payroll software is very economical compared to its advantages.

Frequently asked questions about payroll software :-

Can I edit the names in the program?

Yes, you can, as you can add unlimited names according to your employment structure, and you can modify them at any time.

What is the minimum number of employees to start working on the module?

The payroll software can perform all its tasks even if you have one employee.

Can the tasks of each employee be defined through the program?

Yes, you can. The program’s design is ready to determine the tasks of each employee.

What is the guarantee that data is protected?

The software uses Microsoft's database system to detect security vulnerabilities and test data quickly.

Is it possible to work on the payroll program without the Internet?

Yes. The program does not require the Internet except for updating or linking with accounting systems.

If an employee forgets to register on fingerprint devices, will a discount be applied?

Yes, if you have registered this rule within the program policies, the program administrator can manually register the employee's presence.

Can delay or absence be divided into two types?

Yes, it is possible. You can also determine the corresponding value for each type by adjusting the policies of the payroll software.

Can the program screen be converted to English?

Yes, the program supports Arabic and English languages, and you can easily switch between them.

What should I do if work presence is not specified and daily registration is not possible?

You can select a flexible break, and the program will automatically count it as a weekly holiday.

Cost control is the first step to success, and you will only be able to do so with the help of a program such as a payroll software. Manage your employees efficiently and serve your company’s success with the payroll software offered by ECPA, which is the best accounting company in Egypt. Enjoy your chance now.

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