Establishing a limited Partnership Company in Egypt in 10 Steps | ECPA
Establishing a limited Partnership Company in Egypt includes choosing the appropriate HQ, the trade name, extracting necessary document
Alaa Eldebeki - • Information about Legal advice and incorporation work

Establishing a Limited Partnership in Egypt in 10 Simple Steps – The Complete Guide | ECPA
CopyMany always dream of establishing a limited partnership in Egypt, in light of the progress and prosperity experienced by the various fields of industry and trade within the Egyptian market, but often the procedures stand in a strong way to achieve this, so we worked hard to provide the steps to establish a simple limited partnership in Egypt, in addition to the papers and documents required to complete the task successfully.
What is a limited partnership company?
CopyIt is one of the types of companies in Egypt, which is divided into two types:
1- A limited partnership company subject to the Investment Law No. 7 of 2017
2- A simple limited partnership company outside the Investment Commission and subject to Law 34 of 1976
Characteristics of a limited partnership
CopyBefore we get to know together the steps of establishing a limited partnership in Egypt, let's first get acquainted with the characteristics of the company, and delve into the powers of both teams in the company, and its characteristics are as follows :
1. The address or name of the company must include the name of one of the general partners, or part or all of them, with the addition of the phrase "& Co".
2. The limited partner does not have the right to acquire the status of a merchant, who sells and buys goods, but only a general partner.
3. The company's business shall continue normally, even after the death or bankruptcy of one of the general partners if this is expressly stipulated in the contract.
4. The limited partner may assign his share of the company's capital to another individual, but the general partner is not entitled to do so without the consent of the other partners.
5. Establishing a limited partnership in Egypt gives the right to the general partners to full management, unlike the limited partners.
Steps to establish a limited partnership in Egypt
CopyIt has become easy to establish a limited partnership in Egypt, thanks to the amendment of the lawon the establishment and establishment of limited partnership companies in Egypt, which gave it many advantages and customs exemptions, if it is subject to the Investment Law No. 72 of 2017 and to the establishment of a limited partnership in Egypt,
The incorporation procedures should be followed, which are :
1. The founding persons of the company write the contract, which bears the form that was previously agreed upon, in terms of the purpose of the company, the parties and management, and then signed by all parties Law No. 34 of 1976
1. A copy of the company's contract.
2. A copy of the lease contract of the place of practicing the company's duties.
3. Copies of partners' personal cards.
4. Copies of the power of attorney.
5. Submit an application to open a tax file and obtain a tax card.
1. Obtaining a license to practice the profession and applying for registration in the Chamber of Commerce by submitting the following documents:
2. A lease contract or a title deed for the company's headquarters.
3. A copy of the company's contract.
4. Extracted tax card or data document
5. Request to obtain a certificate of practicing the profession from the Chamber of Commerce
6. A copy of the power of attorney.
7. A copy of the installation of an electricity meter and a light receipt from the electricity department of the company's shop.
8.Finally, the owners of the company go to the Commercial Registry Office, to complete the steps of establishing a limited partnership in Egypt, and obtain the commercial registration of the company, after preparing and submitting the following papers:
9.Original and copy of the company's contract.
10. Newspapers in which the contract summary was published.
11. License to practice the profession from the Chamber of Commerce
12. Original and copy of ID card + power of attorney
In light of the above, it is clear that the steps to establish a limited partnership in Egypt need a legal expert, who knows the law of incorporation of companies and has the ability to write and draft contracts and take over the task of registering the company and extracting its commercial register, which is provided by ECPA for accounting and legal consultancy
ECPA services in establishing a limited partnership in Egypt
ECPA provides many services related to the establishment of limited partnership companies and other types of companies, especially in light of its possession of a selection of the best cadres in the field of accounting and legal advice, and the company's services are as follows:
1. Assistance in choosing the right place to establish the company.
2. Company registration, headquarters and phone numbers.
3. Assist in the selection of the company's activity.
4. Preparing all papers and documents related to the registration of the company.
5. Develop the formula for the company's contracts.
6. Preparing contracts for employees, and making behavioral and disciplinary controls and regulations within the institution.
Frequently Asked Questions About Establishing a Limited Partnership Company in Egypt
CopyWhat are the types of companies in Egypt?
CopyTypes include :
1. Limited Partnership Companies -
2. Partnership Company Law
3. 72 to 2018 / Law 34L1976
4. Responsible Company of the Law 159L 1981/72L 2017
5. One Person Company Law 159 of 1981/72 of 2017
How to register a limited partnership in Egypt?
CopyWe complete the required documents to obtain the commercial registration, tax card and certificate of practicing the profession.
How much does it cost to open a company in Egypt?
CopyEGP 20,000 excluding the company's capital.
What are the disadvantages of establishing a limited partnership in Egypt?
CopyThe possibility of one of the partners manipulating the company's financial accounts, in light of the prevailing trust between the partners.
Can a foreigner form a company or participate in shares?
CopyAccording to the law of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the legislator allowed foreigners to establish companies to attract foreign investments
Foreigners are allowed to establish a company recommended by 100% foreigners subject to Law 72 of 2017 or by no more than 49% if it is subject to Law 34 of 1972
What are the advantages of establishing a limited partnership in Egypt?
CopyFlexibility in the management of the company, the ability to invest money optimally, and the development of the company on an ongoing basis compared to partnership companies.
In summary, establishing a limited partnership company in Egypt requires a set of steps and procedures approved by the Egyptian government; To facilitate the procedures for registering companies, reduce the fees payable to them, obtain a certificate of practicing the profession easily, and recognize the company as one of the important economic entities in the country.
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