Make higher profits with the more worthy CRM software for your company |
Make higher profits with the more worthy CRM software for your company. request a free demo of CRM software from ECPA
Amr Farag - • Capital ERP for System Managment

We often buy goods or services from different businesses daily. Each company typically records your personal information to a database to make offers or discounts for the goods and services they provide, invitations to try new products, etc. Some people might feel appreciated when these businesses contact them with an offer of help again in the future; that’s what we call a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.
Most developing companies, either small or medium ones, suffer from a deficiency in learning how to manage their relationship with customer. On the other hand, one of the most important reasons for other companies’ success is a CRM software to effectively manage customer relationships and achieve the company’s targets.
What is a CRM software?
CopyCRM software is an accounting program that manages relationships with clients. It records the customer data, including name, phone number, email, social media accounts, history, items, bills, and more. It analyses and manages this data to improve customer relationships, keep them, and earn new ones. Consequently, it increases sales and achieves higher profits
The importance of customer relationship management to increase the company’s earnings
Copy- Reaching as many customers as possible to raise purchase possibilities.
- Improving your relationship with your previous customers, as the CRM program enhances relations between the company and customer making them more loyal.
- Organizing the company’s administrative work by scheduling meetings and customers’ appointments.
- Planning the sales through discovering the most attractive items to the customer helps you to provide the best service and advertise properly.
- The program reduces sales expenses as the cost of finding new customer is deducted from the item or service’s price, so the program will find new customer quickly and at a reasonable cost.
- Fast technical support, keeping the customer linked to your service or item after buying them and having a continuous connection with the client to help you know the item’s problems and solve them quickly.
- Improve cooperation between departments and sections of your company in which every department uses the data and reports provided by the CRM software.
- The CRM software is an advanced program that will help you constantly develop your items to suit customer needs according to their comments, requirements, and updates.
- Fast and easy access to the data, in which you can find any piece of information in seconds from any place as long as you have an online device.
- Using more than one E-marketing method to deliver your offers and new items, such as phone calls, emails, social media accounts, or SMS.
- Sales planning and knowing customers’ information will help you to place your project’s expected planning balance accurately.
Types of CRM programs and how to make the best use of them
CopyThe CRM software consists of several modules that organize work and unify information inside the company’s sections. This allows you to manage customer relationships entirely from recording their data until after-sales service. Types of CRM include:
Analytical CRM
CopyThe CRM software provides accurate analytical information about the customer that helps the businesses with its marketing campaigns and decisions.
Collaborative CRM
CopyThe CRM software suits the multi-branch companies that need to transfer information quickly and clearly.
Operational CRM
CopyThe CRM software specializes in fundamental processes between the businesses and customers, such as marketing, sales, and service registration. The program reduces the repetition in data registration and operations processing and serves the customer quickly as expected.
The best CRM software inside the ERP system
CopyCapital ERP program is a comprehensive accounting system that consists of multiple accounting programs. It allows you to manage your organization quickly and successfully in a way that raises your productivity, sales, and profits at the same time.
The “Egyptian Certified Public Accountants” company placed all its years of experience to produce the best comprehensive accounting program qualified to be a key partner in managing your businesses. It finds and corrects errors quickly according to the national and international standards to achieve the expected growth, profit, and more. All of this is under the supervision of the best legal and accounting consultants in the Middle East.
Features provided by the CRM program from capital ERP
Copy- An advanced accounting system that depends on the cloud and characterized by a simple and easy-to-use front.
- The program’s control panel illustrates the best activities and customers and provides variable advice to improve the owner-customer relationship.
- The program suits all types of portable devices and smartphones.
- It has an extensive database that saves endless numbers of customer data, activities, purchases, bills, product prices, and debit and credit balances.
- Users can categorize customers according to their type, item varieties, dealing time, country, etc. Additionally, providing reports of it and analysis of sales level.
- The program doesn’t allow the repetition of information and gives a warning notification when adding incorrect data or adjusting it.
- Through the program, you can make advertising campaigns for a specific customer, a group of customers, or all of them.
- You can import customer data from other programs in different forms.
- The program is flexible, so you can rearrange it to fit your company’s activity and business size.
- The program allows you to discover the number of possible customers through your website’s visitors and their countries and desires. All of this is through the IP address of the potential customer.
- It designs price offers, tracks them, and sends a promotional ad to your customers’ accounts.
- Creating sales invoices, tracking their collection, and recording collected and delayed money.
- It tracks the clients’ favorite purchases and their most bought item in a week, month, quarter, or other.
- Designing separate lists for the new and current customers.
- Providing detailed analysis about the possible customers who skipped purchases and why.
- You can create logbooks for addresses linked to your sales representatives.
- Designing message templates and choosing auto-sending to customers.
- Sending variable notifications to the user, such as customer data modification or customer deletion.
- The ERP monitors performance indicators, sales development, and customers’ attraction sources.
- The program integrates with other ERP programs to confine and control the company’s activities from birth until the expansion.
- CRM’s cost is proportional to its capabilities. Our company provides different quotas to choose from.
FAQs about the CRM software
CopyWhat reports does the CRM software issue?
CopyIt can issue detailed reports about every part of the module or the total results. For example, reports that include:
- Names of current
customer/customers, their purchases, and amounts collected from them.
- Sales size during a specific period.
- The outcome of a specific advertising campaign or more.
- Employees’ performance, activity results, and customers earned by each employee.
- Efficiency and speed of technical support.
What tools does the program use to contact customers?
CopyERP uses as many tools as possible to contact customers, including:
- Phone calls and direct contact.
- Notifications and messages through the company’s official email.
- Meetings with the client.
- Periodic field visits.
- Social media accounts.
businesses that seek development and profits mustn’t waive using a program like the CRM program from thecapital ERPsoftware. This program’s value is exclusive, especially when dealing with the best accounting company in Egypt and the Middle East. Don’t hesitate to contact us to try the best experience.