Rami Fathallah is the chairman of the finance and Taxes Committee. " Ashraf Hager "and "Al-Toukhi" are deputies
The Egyptian-Lebanese Association of businessmen, headed by engineer Fathallah Fawzi, announced the formation of the finance and Taxes Committee headed by Rami Fathallah, and the appointment of Dr. Ashraf Hager and Ahmed Al-Toukhi as two deputies, in light of encouraging communication and integration between the private sector and the state to promote economic growth and improve the business environment.
Ashraf Hagar - • General Topics
The Egyptian-Lebanese Association of businessmen, headed by engineer Fathallah Fawzi, announced the formation of the finance and Taxes Committee headed by Rami Fathallah, and the appointment of Dr. Ashraf Hajar and Ahmed Toukhi as two deputies, in light of encouraging communication and integration between the private sector and the state to promote economic growth and improve the business environment.
The committee is composed of tax experts and financial institutions from the members of the association in Egypt and Lebanon.
Objectives of the committee
CopyThe committee aims to improve the tax system, develop effective fiscal policies, increase transparency and financial accountability.
Committee assignments
CopyThe committee is responsible for making recommendations to improve financial and tax policies, providing periodic reports to the government on recommendations and proposed actions, assisting the association's member companies in financial planning and tax preparation, submitting proposals and a working paper for the association's vision in improving the tax system and providing recommendations to policy makers and government bodies on promoting economic growth and its impact on financial and tax policies, as well as holding an annual expanded conference with the minister of Finance.
Committee activities
CopyWorkshops and seminars will be held with the Tax Authority, the customs authority, the Financial Supervision Authority and other government agencies concerned with the financial, banking and industrial sector to discuss current tax and financial issues.
CopyThe committee will work according to a specific schedule for holding its meetings, with a commitment to follow up on the implementation of decisions and recommendations issued by it to ensure the achievement of the desired goals.
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