The POS program module for the best control of financial transactions of your project | ECPA
The stores and POS program of the ECPA is a comprehensive system for the management of all financial operations safely, precisely
Attia Hamdy - • Capital ERP for System Managment

Small and medium-sized projects such as clothing stores and supermarkets rely on many aiding tools and devices, including the POS program “point-of-sale devices” , which significantly help the taskmaster control the sales bills and the return processing.
TheECPAaccounting company developed the best stores and POS programs among many digital programs. It allows controlling the financial and administrative transactions and supervising the stock.
What does POS program mean?
CopyWithin any commercial project, the customer is presented with an item or service and money is received from them. Earlier, these processes were done without recording or with primitive paper-recording methods. However, nowadays, the business developed and fields expanded in a way that forces taskmasters to use a fully electronic system to manage the point of sale.
What is meant by the management of the POS program ?
CopyThey are tools that allow the company to receive the payments from the consumers and track the sales motion.
The sales system differs from one company to another according to the size of its business, the number of those responsible for the POS, and the plan they work upon.
Advantages of using the POS system:
CopyYour company’s profits depend significantly on the excellent management of the sales system, as recording all the selling processes and the money gained from them is what eventually defines the profit you make.
The POS system will give you plenty of advantages to make the sales system under your authority and awareness. These advantages include:
- Smoothness: the system simplifies dealing with selling processes and accessing financial data.
- Efficiency:providing devices and a system for the point of sale will make recording the financial processes more efficient and faster.
- Selling facilitation:it doesn’t rely on the internet exclusively, but it can be used offline efficiently.
- Suitable with different payment methods:the system can record cash payments, credit cards, bank accounts and more.
- Strengthening relations with current customers:you can log many customers and data about them. Thus, you can identify the items they prefer and need.
- Trust and accuracy:using an electronic system to manage sales processes makes the data more trusted and accurate to the taskmaster, the customer, and even the tax registration.
- The store management:the program will allow you to track the motion of the items and goods, thus avoiding being out of stock.
- Human resources program:through the system, you can manage your employees’ affairs, such as work shifts and sales achieved by every employee. Consequently, you can reward the diligent and push the lounger.
The bills that the program can provide:
CopyThe program is certified by the different government agencies related to the company. The bills and declarations include:
- Accounting declaration for the company accountants.
- Tax declaration of the value-added for the tax authority .
- Issuance of sales bills in paper or electronic and sending them to the customers.
- Preparing notifications for those in charge of debit and credit accounts.
- Applying the tax on the goods while considering the zero-tax with the tax-free items.
- Issuance of purchase cards for the customers that carry the net points collected throughout the purchase processes. These points can be exchanged for gifts or discounts.
- Reports of the stores, the available items, and everything related to them.
- Reports of the customers include an account statement, trial balance, gross profit from the customer, total points of the customers, and the amount of credit sale for him.
- Reports of the suppliers such as an account statement for each supplier, the value of debts, repayments and profits from him, and the withdrawal and deposit credits.
- Reports of financial transactions such as total debts, organizational schedule to pay every debt, financial settlements, and previous financial contracts.
How to choose the most appropriate POS program for your project?
CopyThere is no unified sales system that can be used with all the projects; however, the best system will be the system you choose according to your needs, working method, and what you need from the system. When selecting the system, consider the following:
- Comprehensive stock management:you need a program that lets you know everything about your stores, such as the number of items and the most and least consumed types.
- Tracking sales processes:choose a program that allows you to track your clients and their preferred brands.
- Preparing reports:the program must be able to provide you with reports of different data types.
- Processing different payment methods:choose a program with variables and other payment methods that accept development and addition.
- Achieving electronic tasks:some programs allow you to do electronic tasks such as sending auto-receipts to clients or accounting reports to your accounting office.
- Gift and reward system:use a system that tracks the most buying and loyal clients to your project and provides them with auto discounts or gifts to please and keep their loyalty.
- Ease of usage:use a simple, non-complicated program that doesn’t need a lot of training.
- Customer relationship management (CRM):choose a program that uses this technique as it allows you to manage the current customers and reach many new customers.
- The ability to integrate with other programs:you must use an advanced program that can integrate with other digital devices such as the printer.
- Employee management:use a program that allows you to add the most significant number of employees and data about them. Additionally, it must enable electronic communication with them to send shifts’ data.
- The ability to analyze data:it’s also essential to choose a program capable of analyzing the data recorded within it to reveal its strengths.
The POS and stores system from the ECPA company
CopyECPA accounting company presents the best system to manage the POS and stores together because the program is designed with professionalism and high quality, which is not found in any other program.
Features found within this program made it the first choice for hundreds of local and international projects. These features include:
- The simplicity and ease of usage. Moreover, it doesn’t need much experience, so anyone with fundamental computer knowledge can handle it.
- The program provides an unlimited client database, as it’s possible to create a custom account for each client and a password for each user.
- Issuance of variable bills and sales reports, returns, and replacements.
- The ability to work offline.
- Giving a code for each process.
- The ability to record the returns of sold goods either within the same selling bill or with a separate bill.
- The ability to record the sales by piece or wholesale.
- The ability to add plenty of points of sale and to move between them quickly.
- The availability of many payment methods and the ability to add new ones.
- The ability to record acredit salebill for a client with the ability to know his credit in a way that doesn’t allow any process after reaching the limit.
- Allowing registration of different prices for the same item, such as the cost, the wholesale price, the sale price… etc.
- Keeping all the registered bills and the possibility of adjusting them quickly while keeping the old data as well.
- The possibility of adding a percentage for discounts or gifts or putting a fixed value for the tax over the item’s price as you decide.
- Setting dates for every work day in a way that doesn’t allow proofing any process in a day other than its day.
- The ability to work with the program in more than one currency while showing the main currency of the program. Moreover, the ability to link the program with the money market to know the currency exchange rate.
- The user can review all the bills issued at a specific date from a single selling point or more, the bills of a particular period, the bills of a specific client/clients and more.
- The possibility of adjusting the program to fit your way of working. For example, showing or hiding the box credit. Etc.
- ECPA presents guaranteed modern technologies that provide the highest degrees of safety and protection of the clients’ data.
How are the stores and POS programs designed?
CopyWhen the client intends to buy a product from you, he usually uses the scanner that shows the item’s price. When verifying the purchase, the price will be processed under the payments section, which includes any tax the program user has added to the system.
Once the purchase is made, the item’s data is updated within the stores and POS program, including the stock where it decreases the amount sold. The user can know the remaining amount within the stock immediately and define the payment methods on the system either in cash, by credit cards, gift cards, discounts, or others.
The POS device can be linked to a printer to issue the clients’ receipts. Also, you can email the receipts to the clients if you have registered their digital data, such as their phone number and email.
How to use the POS device?
CopyThe companies rely on several programming devices connected to the internet to manage the POS, except those relying on e-commerce with a website or an electronic shop. In this case, the sale processes on the system are processed by a mobile or a computer.
The devices that can be used in the sale point of your company include:
- Smartphones or laptops
- Sale processes and customer accounts device
- Credit card reader
- Electronic drawer to count the money in case of cash payments or returning the change.
- A printer to issue the cash receipts in which the sold item, its serial number, price, the date, and time of the purchase are recorded.
- A scanner to read the barcodes printed on the items and check the price. It shows, as well, the amount of the item within the stock.
The POS and stores module from the “Egyptian Certified Public Accountants” office is a comprehensive system for the management of all financial operations safely, precisely, and with zero error percentile.
With the services of ECPA, you will reach the financial safety you seek and more… Contact us and get your first consultation for free.
To find out the prices of the POS software, pleaseclick here