Your comprehensive guide to learning about CRM and ERP software

Despite the similarity of CRM and ERP software, and to avoid confusion, CRM or ERP software, we will devote this article to a detailed explanation of each and the difference between them

- • General Topics

Although CRM and ERP are similar in many of the goals that both achieve, such as raising the revenue and production rate and evaluating the performance and work level of companies, each program has its important and different functions.

To avoid any confusion that affects many users when dealing with CRM or ERP system, the following article is devoted for a detailed explanation to differentiate between them.

CRM software

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a software that records and organizes customer data. It is simply designed to record any customer interactions over services, products, orders, requests and complaints.

The CRM software aims at sharing this information and producing reports available and accessed by all the company's departments in order to reach accurate expectations of sales ratios and benefit from them in many ways. Such software uses artificial intelligence.

CRM Benefits

· Gaining comprehensive vision of all customers to control their market and purchasing transactions.

· Increasing communication with customers and know their true opinions on the services and products offered by your company.

· Scheduling appointments and arranging operations.

· Attracting expected customers as well as keeping the old ones as long as possible.

· Providing technical support and handling customers' problems and complaints wisely, quietly and quickly.

· Winning more deals and transactions and thus increasing your company's revenue while minimizing the risks when making deals.

· Helping greatly in the process of e-marketing by sending your product prices to a larger number of customers.

· Facilitating interdepartmental communication and collaboration.

· Increasing sales and reaching large number of customers.

Customer Relationship Management system to increase profitability easily

A simple video illustrates the importance of Capital ERP's Modular Customer Relationship Management to win loyalty using effective strategies and its key role in achieving the highest corporate profitability rates.

CRM Software: Key to Successful Customer Relationship Management

· Extreme simplicity when using

· Prepare and manage e-marketing campaigns such as email marketing or social media.

· Analytical and classification study for the growth rates of customers' procurement methods and types.

· High quality technical support for customers and quick reply

· Identify the number of new customers expected and increase the company's market share.

· Divide customers into segments, such as customers during discounts, special customers, single product customers and others.

· Facilitating the process of purchasing and delivery

· Reduce costs and shorten customer service time

· Access the data of any customer or process in few seconds.

· Reports on the level of customer satisfaction or anger on the services provided

· Reports on your team's activity during the previous period and their performance level.

· Direct and quick guidance for new customers to reach your nearest agent.

· Sends notifications for upcoming tasks or activities.

· provides the ability to share documents, growth rates and analytics.

· CRM software is highly suitable for your budget and can integrate with any system used by the company.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): the future of a business

a system used to record, plan, manage, organize and store the core business processes. ERP Capital consists of the latest up-to-date applications, such as the ERP’s applications for accounting, human resource, logistics, manufacturing and marketing, supply chain management, and customer relationship management. All data is collected under one harmonized and analytical database that allows managers and specialists to access and use it for appropriate decision-making.

ERPs benefits

· uses a range of the most important Digital Accounting software.

· enables the company to implement of the planned objectives, as the system provides an integrated management system through which managers and employees are able to follow and analyze the business movement.

· Clarifying all weaknesses in the company and the places to be improved and monitor improvements.

· Continuous follow-up of daily work and periodic activities to measure the achievement of the goals and plans established.

· Facilitate basic corporate procedures and processes such as sales registration, procurement, marketing, human resources, etc.

· Easily share data between departments and between managers, investors and all concerned to improve the level of performance of each department.

· Saving the staff time and wasted efforts of the which helps them to utilize their skills and time in other areas.

· Full ERP accounting software helps to quickly detect and solve errors immediately before the problem worsens.

Capital ERP Features: How your Business Can Benefit

· A huge database of all the company's transactions and customers.

· Integrating a wide range of the most crucial and sophisticated accounting software that greatly raises the work level and efficiency.

· Allowing an infinite number of company employees and any other competent to use it.

· Merging of the company's main branch and other branches and linking the branches with each other.

· Automatically recording daily operations such as creating reports or recording data and transmitting them.

· Prompt access to any accounting or financial information within any department.

· Accurate data analysis and issuing reports to improve the decision-making process.

· Facilitating the issuance of invoices, financial and tax reports and the management of all accounts.

· Reducing the expenses spent by the company on daily basis

· Optimizing the utilization of all companies' resources

· Capital ERP supports operation in more than one language possibility of currency conversion for the base currency by linking to the money market to see the exchange rate.

· Enables leaders monitoring the transactions and obligations such as purchase and sale orders, suppliers' offers, customer orders, etc.

· Handles any internal accounting systems such as warehouse, purchases, sales and other systems

· Records daily limitations and restrictions

· Ability to print all reports, statistics and invoices.

· Capital ERP can perform any bank reconciliations easily and quickly.

· The possibility of dealing with all business sectors and any projects whatever the size of the project and its dealings.

Main differences between CRM and ERP

As we said beforehand... Accounting information systems have a great importance to many internal and external entities; they achieve many benefits that meet their needs, including:

· The ERP HH software is more comprehensive, aiming at managing all of the company's operations including CRM.

· CRM is based on information obtained from other systems and programs such as the ERPs.

· CRM is concerned with managing customer relations while ERP assures the best execution and achievement of this.

· Increasing sales is one of CRM's main objectives, while ERP aims at reducing expenses.

To conclude, companies need to integrate both software to reduce costs and increase sales at once; by this, your business can achieve growth and increase profits. CRM software is an integral part of the ERP system.

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